Our tutors are willing to work with a student until their questions are resolved, and flexible with rescheduling sessions.
attention to detail
Individual tutoring can catch problems that teachers of large classes cannot, as each student is afforded more attention.
Classes are custom tailored to each student, allowing for each session with a X-Tutors tutor to be more beneficial for a student.
Tutors going over a subject with a student can increase comprehension and retention better than a student studying alone.
“Let’s Change the World With Coding!”
X-Camp Motto
X-Tutors is a flexible, effective and efficient way to teach students programming and increase understanding and comprehension. Students are placed in individual Zoom calls with other students in more advanced classes and go over learned material or especially difficult problems. We offer two methods of students getting in contact with a tutor. The first are scheduled tutoring sessions. This method works best for reviewing material at constant intervals. For example, one strategy would be to have a one hour tutoring session a day or two after coding classes. In this session, the tutor can go over the class material, making sure the student understands it all and bridging any unintended gaps in knowledge. The tutor can also help the student with any questions they have in their homework and ensure the student is not falling behind in any aspect.
Additionally, students can schedule additional sessions before a competition or test, resulting in greater preparation and high pass rates. Another method we offer is for students to contact their tutors if they are stuck on a question or problem. This can be if they encounter a question they simply cannot solve, or a issue they’re stuck on.
We offer several different levels of tutors. First are more advanced X-Camp students, in a higher level class, who have taken the classes the student is currently in. Next are college students, many of which are former X-Camp Students. Finally, we have professional tutors.
Evidence has shown that individual tutoring with volunteer and non-professional tutors can greatly improve a student’s understanding of a subject, meaning all our choices are great options to learn.
Joining as a tutor also offers many benefits, too! Tutoring can be a excellent way to earn volunteer hours, and gain valuable communication and leadership skills.
X-Camp Academy
4950 Mitty Way
San Jose, CA 95129 USA